InVeridisebyVeridiseZK Fundamentals: Proof SystemsWe cover Interactive Proofs (IP), Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (PCPs), Linear PCPs, Multi-prover Interactive Protocols (MIPs), and…Feb 21, 2024Feb 21, 2024
InVeridisebyVeridiseZK Fundamentals: Intermediate RepresentationsWe cover e.g. NP characterization, Boolean Satisfiability, R1CS, Plonkish arithmatization, and Customizable Constraint System (CCS)Feb 2, 2024Feb 2, 2024
InVeridisebyVeridiseZero Knowledge for Dummies: Demystifying ZK CircuitsZK circuits are the “magic tools” that enable ZK proofsJan 19, 2024Jan 19, 2024
InVeridisebyVeridiseZK Fundamentals: SuccinctnessThis is the fifth article from our series exploring ZK fundamentals, zero knowledge proofs and related notions.Jan 12, 20241Jan 12, 20241
InVeridisebyVeridiseZK Fundamentals: The Fiat-Shamir TransformToday we explore interactive ZK proofs without interactionDec 22, 2023Dec 22, 2023
InVeridisebyVeridiseZK Fundamentals: Zero-Knowledge ProofsThis is the third article from our series exploring ZK fundamentals, zero knowledge proofs and related notions.Dec 1, 2023Dec 1, 2023
InVeridisebyVeridiseZK Fundamentals: Interactive ProofsThis is the second article from our series exploring ZK fundamentals, zero knowledge proofs and related notions.Nov 9, 2023Nov 9, 2023
InVeridisebyVeridiseZK Fundamentals: What is a proof?This is the first article from our series exploring ZK fundamentals, zero knowledge proofs and related notions.Oct 27, 20231Oct 27, 20231
InVeridisebyVeridiseIntro to Nova & ZK Folding Schemes: The Nuts and Bolts of FoldingThis is a blog series in which we explore ZK folding schemes and NOVA.Oct 12, 20231Oct 12, 20231
InVeridisebyVeridiseIntro to Nova & ZK Folding Schemes: Folding and NovaThis is part 3 of a blog series in which we explore ZK folding schemes and NOVA.Sep 14, 20231Sep 14, 20231
InVeridisebyVeridiseZero Knowledge for Dummies: Introduction to ZK ProofsDo you have zero knowledge about zero knowledge? Do you want to learn more about it? You’re in the right place and we have cookies.Aug 24, 20231Aug 24, 20231
InVeridisebyVeridiseSatisfiability Modulo Finite Fields: Unlocking SMT for ZK VerificationToday we’ll introduce “Satisfiability Modulo Finite Fields” (SMFF): a research paper that promises to make verifying ZK systems easier.Aug 17, 2023Aug 17, 2023
InVeridisebyVeridiseIntro to Nova & ZK Folding Schemes: Halo and AccumulationThis is a blog series in which we explore ZK folding schemes and NOVA. Part II: Halo and accumulation.Aug 10, 20231Aug 10, 20231
InVeridisebyVeridiseRecursive SNARKs and Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC)PART I: Recursive SNARKs and Incrementally Verifiable ComputationJul 27, 2023Jul 27, 2023
InVeridisebyVeridiseZK Vulnerabilities: Sharp rocks hidden in deep waterIn this blog post, we will talk about common vulnerabilities in Circom programs and their root causes. If you are not familiar with either…May 2, 2023May 2, 2023
InVeridisebyVeridiseCircom-Pairing: A Million-Dollar ZK Bug Caught EarlyThis blog post is also available in the following languages: 简体中文.Jan 3, 20231Jan 3, 20231
InVeridisebyVeridiseMedjai: Protecting Cairo code from BugsIn this blog post, we will take you on a tour of how we developed Medjai, a new symbolic execution tool for finding bugs in Cairo programs…Jul 21, 2022Jul 21, 2022
InVeridisebyVeridiseA Gentle Introduction to ZKPs and CircomOne of our favorite things to do at Veridise is to perform security audits of zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). In this article, we will…Mar 16, 2023Mar 16, 2023